Welcome to nkoda

Please download our macOs version

Before you Download

  1. Please delete the version of nkoda that you currently have installed. Deleting the current version is essential, so please make sure it has definitely been removed before you download the new version
  2. Once the old version has been deleted, click the ‘Download’ button
  3. You’ll find nkoda in your downloads folder - you should then be able to open it just like any other file
  4. The first time you open the app, you will be taken to the ‘My library’ page but you will not be signed in. If you already have an account please click ‘I already have an account’. If you’re new, you’ll need to sign up by clicking ‘let’s get started’
  5. If you’re having any issues, please contact support@nkoda.com

Version 2.1.21


Your nkoda subscription explained

Can I try nkoda for free?

Which platforms is nkoda available on? Where can I download nkoda?

Can I re-access my account if I’ve cancelled my subscription? What happens to my library and markings?

Can I download or print scores from nkoda?

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